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becoming a londoner

Settling into London is exciting and can be pretty daunting to say the least! I've been living here with my lovely boyfriend Ash and our two great friends Loz and Jonah for just over a month now. Our little flat has become a very cozy sanctuary for us to chill out and sing along to Ru Paul - "shantay you stay" - or moan about the inevitable rude bastards on the tube, you know the usual.

On top of auditioning and working at a french boulangerie - ooh lala - I have been loving exploring London. Getting lost and stumbling upon lots of cool places has been amazing! London is definitely not Liverpool, my heart aches to just be able to walk anywhere without an hour tube journey, or being able to pop to the docks for a little sea side escape. But nevertheless, it has been a fun adventure so far and I wanted to share some tips on how to make a day in London a little less stressful than it might need to be; whether you're coming here for a day trip or plan on moving to the big smoke, this small guide might offer you a helping hand.

1. The most obvious but definitely the most important, wear bloody trainers - your feet will love you, I promise!

2. Carry headphones with you. I was never one to listen to music on the go because my phone never had the space, but before moving to London my phone was - lucky timing - due an upgrade. Having a good ole' tune accompanying your busy day will just help to relax you in the manic tube traffic, or if your oyster card has ran out and there's a huge group of angry commuters behind you, and this will happen, you can block out their growls with music, always a plus!

3. Wear layers! We all know what the unpredictable british weather can be like, especially in the weird transition from summer into autumn/winter. I have found wearing a tshirt, with a jumper and a thin rain coat more beneficial and less sweaty when running around London! This handy option lets you remove the warmth and stress!

4. Bring a book with you. Whether it's an audio book or an actual one, a lot of the time travel plans get messed up and you could be stranded in a random station or waiting for your bus longer than you'd hoped, so a nice book will distract you from London's nightmares.

5. Always grab a stamp card from your favourite coffee shops! This is a funny one and like many of these tips will be relevant wherever you are in the world, but London is known for it's sky high prices, so earning a free coffee every now and then will brighten your day... and give you the well needed caffeine boost!

6. Enjoy the quiet moments. Like all cities, London is loud, fussy and sometimes just bloody rude! So those little moments of stillness should be recognised and appreciated. I love living in a busy city, it keeps me buzzed and inspired, but sometimes it's lovely to come across a quiet moment, and I have learned to stop and enjoy it!

7. Use CityMapper! If you're anything like me - shit with directions and travel planning - this free app will help you in more ways than one! It gives you timings and all forms of travel options, simply blissful if you ask me.

I could go on and on, but from my experience so far these are my immediate tips. Let me know if there's anything you would suggest!

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